The Thanos Statues is dedicated to the evil titan created by Jim Starlin and represents one of the finest pieces of the entire Bowen catalogue, very sought-after by collectors and highly rated in the international market. Sculpted by Randy Bowen in collaboration with the Shiflett Brothers, the statue was released in 2005 in 2000 samples. The character is depicted in a static pose that brings out to best his grandeur and the amazing polychromy of the classic blue-gold costume, characterized by the presence of very large gloves and boots and a rigid bib covering the whole chest and the shoulders. The physique is nothing short of statuesque, with oversized muscles everywhere and a superb definition of biceps, chest and quadriceps. The adopted colors are extremely bright and brilliant and give the piece a first-rate visual impact, here enhanced by masterly shades on muscle contours and numerous gold inserts: a thick belt, a collar, three vertical bands (one head-on and two surrounding the junction of the arms), a protection on the pubis and the edge of the costume below the waist. Note the perfect sculpt of the giant boots, full of wrinkles, and the gloves with reinforcements along the fingers, also highlighted through the position of the hands: the right fist and the left half-open showing off the almighty infinity gauntlet with the five colored gems at the knuckles level. The base is oval and consists of a pile of skulls carved with great skill, on which the titan stands out with careless arrogance. The face is beautiful and slightly rotated; it is characterized by the typical deep vertical streaks on the chin, a flat nose and large teeth clenched. Two frightening glassy eyes give the character a disturbing sneer, to say the least, here enhanced by the curved shapes of the mask and the chromatic contrast of the bright purple color with the pale cyan of the background and golden edges. In spite of the rather large run, the Thanos Statue is one of the most coveted pieces by Marvel collectors all over the world: the availability on the ebay international net, in general, is relatively good, but the prices are always remarkable and usually higher than the beautiful twin version of the Faux Bronze line. The reason, however, is very simple: this Bowen piece represents a must-have for all fans and a true top-level collectible!